Roz Morris

Standalone or Series?

How to grow your novel concept to its full potential


Roz Morris


Live on Feb. 17, 2022, or watch recording


Novelists who are new to series writing


Closed captions by Otter; transcript provided with recording

We live in the age of TV binge-watching. Readers are eager for stories of epic length, to settle in with characters and worlds for the long haul. Authors love series too, for many of the same reasons. But not all book concepts can stretch into a series or even a sequel. How can you design one that does?

In this Feb. 17 class with novelist Roz Morris, you’ll learn what factors you can develop as you write each book and what decisions you should make from the outset to establish a story that’s series-worthy. In addition to discussing the special storytelling challenges you should be prepared for—that writers of standalones don’t face—you’ll learn techniques to keep the ideas coming, book after book.

This class will discuss:

  • Why you might consider writing a series
  • Right—and wrong—reasons to continue beyond book 1
  • The difference between a one-book concept and a multiple-book concept
  • How to create story ideas that will go the distance
  • Surprising ways to create sequels and series, including non-genre options
  • Decisions to make before you start and common pitfalls to avoid
  • How to keep control of multiple titles and complicated worlds
  • Surprising ways to make continuity mistakes (and pro tips to avoid them)
  • What you can change from book to book and what you can’t (usually)
  • How to avoid writing yourself into a corner and use your concept to its fullest potential

This class will prepare you handle the scope of such a big project—and also determine, no matter how big or small the series is, when you should bring it to an end.

Who should take this class

  • Beginner-level series writers
  • Novelists for all age groups from child to adult, with a concept they want to develop beyond one book
  • Writers who are familiar with ideas of story structure and character development, whether published or not
  • Indie and traditionally published authors

Who should NOT take this class

  • Nonfiction writers
  • Memoirists
  • Children’s picture book writers
  • Anyone already experienced at series writing

What’s included in all of Jane’s classes

How do I attend the live class?

This class uses Zoom webinar technology (see system requirements). You will join through your Internet-connected computer or mobile device. When you register, you will receive information via email on how to join the class. If you don’t receive it within 1 hour of registering, please contact us.

  • When: Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022
  • Time: 1:00–2:15 p.m. Eastern / 10:00 a.m. Pacific
  • Fee: $25

The webinar is broadcasted via the internet with live audio delivered through your computer or mobile device speakers. The visual presentation is displayed directly from the presenter’s computer to your computer screen. The Q&A is managed through a chat-style submission system with questions read and answered by the presenter for the entire class to hear.

Closed captions are provided during the live class. We use Zoom’s automated closed caption service (powered by Otter), which is about 80%+ accurate. We also use Otter AI to generate an unedited transcript, provided with the recording.

Roz Morris

About the instructor

Roz Morris is an author, book doctor, writing coach and ghostwriter based in the UK. As a ghostwriter, she has developed and written a number of fiction series. As an editor, she has coached and developed writers of all levels, some of whom have won major awards. She teaches a masterclasses for The Guardian newspaper based on her series Nail Your Novel, is a regular on the Litopia show Pop-Up Submissions where she critiques manuscripts alongside literary agent Peter Cox, is a story consultant for the thriller publisher Inkubator Books in Dublin and is a prolific blogger on writing craft, writing productivity and the publishing world. She also writes fiction and memoir and was longlisted for the World Fantasy Award. 

Our students love Roz’s courses, her teaching methodology and her energy. Attendees are always challenged by the content and inspired by her delivery.

Matt Buttell and Emma Cummins,
The Guardian Masterclasses

Roz’s breadth of knowledge and astute coaching style left me feeling empowered and informed. I regularly recommend her to writers, regardless of how long they’ve been in the game.

Libby O’Loghlin, Co-founder and Editor, The Woolf Literary Quarterly

One hour with Roz has transformed a lifetime of ineffective writing habits.

Mark Keith, author

All students receive the following

  • Access to the live class. After roughly 60 minutes, Roz will take questions during class using in-class chat/text. The class will end after roughly 75 minutes.
  • A recording of the class—audio and video. This is especially helpful if you have a conflict with the class time or something comes up and you can’t make the session. Each registration comes with access to the archived version of the program and the materials for 30 days. You do not have to attend the live event to access the recordings.
  • Presentation slides. All participants receive a copy of the slide presentation in PDF form.
  • Rough transcript. We use Otter to create an automated transcript of the entire webinar, which we’ll share with you in addition to the audio and video recording.

Event Attendance & Anti-Harassment Policy

We strive to provide an environment where all present—whether attendee, presenter, or staff—can feel supported. In order to ensure a welcoming event, here is what we expect from all who participate.

  • That the presenter and the presenter’s work be treated with respect by attendees and that all attendees treat each other with respect and a generosity of spirit.
  • That attendees will refrain from harassment of any sort including (but not limited to) comments or questions of a racist, homophobic, sexist/sexual, or threatening nature. This includes actions that disrupt or interfere with anyone’s ability to participate. Offenders will be disconnected from the live event.