Don’t Hold Out for Publishing to Make You Feel Seen. Here’s Another Goal Instead.

Image: young re-headed girl standing amid a ring of figurative statues
Photo credit: joshzam on flickr / CC BY-NC-ND

Today’s post is by regular contributor Susan DeFreitas (@manzanitafire), an award-winning author, editor, and book coach. She offers a first 50-page review on works in progress for novelists seeking direction on their next step toward publishing.

Every year, I return to teach creative writing at a summer program offered by the school for the arts where I attended high school (though this year, I had to do so virtually). And every year, at the end of an intense week of workshops with young writers ages 14–18, I do my best to engage in a bit of time travel.

Which is to say, I do my best to tell these talented young people what I wish someone had told me when I was their age.

Walking the tree-lined paths of my old school always brings me back to that time: My awe in discovering poets like Galway Kinnell, Lucille Clifton, and Mary Oliver, and writers like James Joyce, Raymond Carver, and Joyce Carol Oates. The strength of my yearning to write that well, to be that big—big enough that my work would be studied, in time, by kids like me, in schools like this.

And the first step toward that great success was, of course, publication. Like all my other peers, I dreamed of getting my first short story published, of attracting the attention of an agent, and publishing my first book—and at eighteen, I thought I’d accomplish all this before I was twenty.

Instead, it took me until I was thirty to publish my first short story, and until nearly forty to publish my first book. Which meant that I would go on to spend many years of my life fruitlessly pursuing the dream of publication, with what felt like very little to sustain my spirit.

At the end of this high school writing program, we have a kind of convocation, in which we instructors attempt to offer words of wisdom to our students. And every summer, when I look out into the crowd at their fresh young faces, I can see all that yearning shining back at me.

The last thing I want to do is to discourage these young writers in their ambitions, but the fact is, publishing is a tough industry, and the apprenticeship period for fiction can often feel interminable. I know from personal experience many of the most talented writers in any class will eventually just give up, because that yearning inside them has begun to sour and, in time, turns into something that feels a lot like grief.

So here’s what I try to tell these kids: Publication may feel like the thing you’re yearning for, but in reality, it’s something deeper.

What you’re yearning for is the sense of being seen.

That’s what drives us to spend the untold hours required to write a book, to tighten down each scene and sentence until it truly holds the emotion we’ve poured into it, the insight we see in it—to the point where what’s inside us can be understood and experienced by others.

We’ve been taught that publication is the key to this thing we long for, this connection with the reader. But sometimes that’s true and sometimes it’s not.

Yes, publishing my first book was amazing—especially when readers took the time to tell me what had touched or moved them about it. But really, those moments were few and far between; publishing my first book was more of a marathon of publicity efforts and review-seeking and travel than anything else.

As for the shorter pieces I’d published by that time, each byline felt largely like checking off a box, even when the publication was one I admired. Looking back, some of the greatest fulfillment I received from publishing wasn’t from the “big” bylines at all, it was from publishing a column in a free newspaper where I lived at the time in a little mountain town.

Because people actually read that column, and actually talked to me about it. Publishing that column made me feel seen.

So when I take the stage at this annual gathering of young writers, here is what I say: Don’t hold out for publishing to make you feel seen. When you publish is in many ways out of your hands, but feeling seen is something you can offer each other right now.

This means that instead of sitting in judgment of each others’ work, and viewing each other as the competition for a limited number of “slots,” be they bylines or awards—or your writing instructor’s praise and approval—seeking to truly see the author’s intentions for their work, and doing whatever we can to help them manifest that vision on the page.

This is harder than sitting in judgment, because in the apprenticeship stage, the author’s intentions may not yet be all that clear. But taking the time to look beyond the flaws of a piece of writing to the heart of it, seeking out the truest and most significant impulses behind it, will not only make you a better person, it will make you a better writer.

I started my study of creative writing in high school, and continued through both undergrad and graduate school. Along the way, I saw many of the “best and the brightest” give up on the dream of being a writer—as far as I can tell, simply for the lack of this in their lives, the sense of truly being seen in their work.

And I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a shame.

So I’d like the extend this invitation to all of you still slogging away on that long, hard climb to your first byline or first book deal: We all have the power to sustain one another, to hold one another up, and to give each other what we’re really longing for, whether it’s as members of a workshop or critique group or as beta readers.

We all know what it feels like when we’ve shared our work with someone who really gets it, regardless of how polished it may be. That person has taken the time to understand our intent, to see our vision, and they’re reflecting back to us the truths of our own heart—the truths perhaps they themselves hold dear but have never seen anyone else articulate.

That—not publication—is the real goal of writing, to create a real connection. And while publication is elusive, that sense of connection is something we can all extend to each other, right now.

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Cathy Shouse

This is so true about wanting validation. I was most seen in the years I wrote for my local newspaper. Although the pay was lacking and demands were high, I still miss all my “fans” there and people remember me from that years later. It’s helped to redefine what being seen means since the publishing world isn’t what it was when I started out.


Susan, I feel seen by this post! I think you nailed writers’ actual dreams on the head. One of the most meaningful pieces I ever wrote was a column for my college newspaper. I didn’t think much of it when I turned it in but when it was published I had readers stop me on my way to class to tell me they enjoyed it. It was the best feeling, the feeling of what I wrote having resonated, and something I hope to recapture with my writing again. Thanks for writing this.

Susan DeFreitas

I’m so glad this post made you feel seen, Deanna! Cheers.

Harald Johnson

With all respect to the author and some of her beautiful insights… but, where have you been? Writers have been able to be Seen AND Published through Amazon KDP (and others) for years now. The old days of Agent/Publisher Gatekeeping are long over. My advice to writers, young and old, is: Just Do It.

Jane Friedman

With all respect to you, Harald: Self-publishing isn’t the right path for everyone. Creative writers coming out of MFA programs in particular who want to succeed in the literary community (a VERY particular community), will find it hard to attain the kind of success they’re envisioning if they self-publish.

That’s not to say self-publishing is lesser than traditional publishing, but that for literary writers, self-publishing is a challenging path to go down. Gatekeeping may lack meaning and relevance for some sectors of the industry (and for you), but not for everyone. Literary writers still accrue cultural capital primarily through traditional publishing.

Harald Johnson

Appreciate your reply, Jane. I take your point, but I also notice that the term “literary” appears nowhere in the original post above. Horses for courses.

Susan DeFreitas

Honestly, I’ve seen self-publishing prove especially disappointing for those who want publishing to make them feel seen in this way, because self-published books don’t tend to find many readers without a whole lot of promotion. But I’m glad it’s proven the right path for you.

Harald Johnson

It has. Thank you, Susan.

Dave Tamanini

Kudos to Jane and the guest today, Susan DeFreitas. When I do interviews, I suggest to new writers they should ask themselves the question: Why do I want to write? I had my own reasons, but I also wanted to be published. After 100 rejections by agents, I self published and now I’m an award winning author.

Susan DeFreitas

Love this story, Dave! Congrats to you for your perseverance.


I too thought I’d be published by 20 ????. I’m 28 now and only starting to really grasp storytelling. I’ve recently finished my first “real book” and sent out my first query. I think a lot of smarter people would have given up by now but I’m glad I haven’t. No matter what happens, writing is the joy of my life. It’s not just the words but the people I’ve met and the connections I’ve formed. It’s making my friends smile with stories I’ve writen just for them. How easy it is to forget all that! Thanks so much for the reminder!

Susan DeFreitas

You’re so welcome, Ettie! Wishing you all the best with you creative work. =)

Dave Malone

Thank you, Susan, for writing this. Creating a real, live, palpable connection is the thing. Some of my most powerful experiences, connections, were not literary journal or book publications – but writing poems for friends and banging out poems on my typewriter at art fairs where folks confided in me a personal joy, longing or sadness – that I was able to convey and mirror back to them in usually an uplifting way (once, an underappreciated wait staff needed a righteous anger poem, so I gave that to her). Thanks again for writing about “being seen.” It takes courage and stick-with-it-ness and a supportive community to be seen. And there’s no reason to give up. Best of luck with Dispatches.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dave Malone
Susan DeFreitas

Thanks so much for sharing this, Dave–it made me smile to think of these moments of connection over bespoke poetry. Art fairs! Won’t it be lovely when we have those again…

Corrine Ardoin

Thank you, for writing this. It is so true. To be seen and to have one’s voice be heard and validated, is a powerful yearning from within. It’s nothing less than soulful. “I have something to say!” We shout into the wind from the mountaintop. We all want to have a say in the greater story of our time. The heart yearns for connection and writers do so with words. I, too, found great satisfaction in writing letters to the editor of small newspapers or sending in a poem to a local newsletter. It wasn’t about money. I wanted to participate and to have the interaction, the reaction, the positive feedback. Yes, and to be seen!

Susan DeFreitas

Yes! There are so many ways to connect via the written word!